Rich as a young man

Created by Ed 5 years ago

I found out tonight that my old friend Richard passed away last year.  We were friends at Liverpool University and then at Bar School in London.  We shared a flat together each time and shared lots of times together training for the Bar.  

Richard was an individual - his own man.  I remember meeting him - we were chalk and cheese.  He was the public school boy, educated Jewish kid from a good Leeds family (I remember his mum Rose - a wonderful lady).  I was from a working class, state school background but for some reason we just became best friends at University.  He was fair minded, liberal, easy going.  I was the right-wing Thatcher's child but despite all of that, we were best friends.  Lord knows why but we were just mates - the odd couple. 

I wanted to leave some memories for his friends and family who knew him as a man from someone who knew him as a younger man finding his way.  Some classic Richard bon-motes:

1.  Never use slimline tonic in a G&T - just wrong old boy.

2.  Never fasten the bottom button on a waist coat.

3.  A wine glass is always held en-sabre.

4.  Everything ever said by James Bond was true - especially Pierce Brosnan.

5.  Never wear a waistcoat with a double-breasted suit.

6.  Half-windsor knot for a tie.  Every time.

7.  Turn-ups on suit trousers are for other people.

8.  No-one looks serious wearing a barrister's wig. Ever.

9.  Anything said in the voice of Darth Vader is funny - it just is.

I could go on and on.  One final memory is for a professor of ours at University called Bernard Jackson.  A very thoughtful and deep mind and tutor to me and Rich for the last two years of our degree.  For those two years we giggled every time we remarked about Professor BJ.  We giggled every time - without fail.  Still funny. Rich made it funny. 

I had lots of chances to catch up with Rich over the years but I didn't.  That's life and a regret. 

I'm glad Rich found happiness and had a family and good friends.  I'm deeply sorry for their loss.  

He was a good man.

Ed Johnson a friend of Rich.